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TV – Torchwood: Miracle Day, Episode 2

By TV, Online Streaming & FilmsNo Comments

Episode 2 starts with Captain Jack and Gwen being forced on a plane for extradition to America. Gwen is separated from Rhys and her baby, who are left in the UK. Another CIA agent Lyn joins Rex on the plane to supervise the prisoners. On the plane Jack talks about a theory of everyone being connected and Lyn overhears and sends an email to her boss who gives instructions for Lyn to kill Jack. Lyn fixes Jack a drink which is laced by poison. Obviously some in the CIA think he knows too much, but it’s not quite clear who these corrupt CIA people work for.

In America an openly admitted and found guilty paedophile and murder (Oswald), who in the first episode we saw be injected with lethal drugs as he was sentenced to death be released as technically his sentence was carried out. He goes on TV and makes a tearful remorsefully statement that seems to some genuine. Afterwards he’s getting in the lift and he’s greeted by a PR Agent, but declines her offer for help.

Meanwhile back on the plane the poison is kicking in and Jack is dying. It’s revealed that Lyn has poisoned her and Rex hand cuffs her to her seat. Rex rings a doctor that had treated him in the first episode and she manages with doctor friends discussing the Miracle Day problems to give Rex and Gwen the information to cure him. They eventually cure Jack and then arrive at America.

The doctor that helped Rex is approached by the PR Agent and gives a seemingly helpful suggestion about drug stockpiles. It get’s you thinking: Who is this PR Agent? What are her motives?

On arrival in America, Rex get’s a call of a colleague from the CIA who says they’re being set up. That someone has put $50,000 in her account and she’s being chased by the CIA. Rex realised he must do something and stops Captain Jack and Gwen and unhand cuffs them talking some rubbish about amendments before Jack, Gwen and Rex attack the agents in order to escape. They escape and that brings the episode to an end.

The action steps up in this episode which was good. But more impressive was that the mystery has stop being explained leading you to question and watch it unravel in front of your eyes. Well done to the makers of Torchwood for no longer having the characters explain what’s going on and allowing us to work it out for ourselves.

You can read my review of episode 1 here: TV – Torchwood: Miracle Day, Episode 1

Write soon,


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