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Youtube Homophobia

By The WebNo Comments

Over a year ago, I posted this video to Youtube:

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Then about a week ago, I received an email stating I had comments on the video. I logged on and saw:

It was a reminder that homophobia still exsists in this hertrosexual world.

How would this person react if they met me face to face? Would they hide their homophobia or be verbally and physically abusive? I guess for them it would depend on the setting. I would react in the same way regardless of the setting, I would challenge their homophobia providing it was safe to do so.

My response to him: Yeah, I’m gay, and?

If I were him I would be concerned as to why he was on a video authored by a gay man? Perhaps some internalised homophobia towards himself?

Get a life! I shall be challenging this through Youtube. Not so much for me, but for any gay person that has ever experienced homophobia. If it’s not challenged, it will only continue.

Let you know how I get on with Youtube,

Antony x

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By GayNo Comments

Pride has been a good weekend. I got to march in the parade under Peter Tatchell’s community entry.

I do think a lot of the gay community have forgot what it used to be like to be gay and what pride is suppose to be about. 10 Years ago there were no gay people in the media and we had significantly less rights. Less rights included Section 28 being law, sexual consent age 18 and no rights to marry (no society recognition of our relationships therefore meaning no legal recognition of our relationships). We also had label of HIV being a gay disease and lost many of our friends to this hidden disease.

And as if this wasn’t enough there was a lack of tolerence and respect for diversity. It was a hetrosexual world with many gay, lesbian and bisexual people experiencing homophobia and sometimes even hate crimes. We often felt isolated and those who were brave enough to come out of their closet were often made homeless. There was one gay pub now on Manchester’s highly populated gay village (the New Union), it required a secret knock to gain entry and was regularly raided by the police.

We have come along way, but are still fighting for true equality and to change some people’s values. Some people still believe it’s a “choice” and that according to their religion or moral values it’s “wrong” or “unnatural” (god I hate that phrase – homosexuality has been seen in almost every animal species, so how can it be unnatural?). There are even people who turn their views in to physical violence towards homosexuals.

Yes pride is a celebration of how far we’ve come (and gays know how to throw a party!), but we must not forget that we still have to keep the aim of true equality.

Take Care,

Antony x

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We need to fight against them

By ThinkingNo Comments

As many of you may have read or heard the BNP did well in the recent elections. The BNP have a history of racism & homophobia. Normally I wouldn’t give them the time of day on this blog, but these are exceptional circumstances. We need to fight against them.

They have done well because of the recent public anger at MP’s expenses as reported by the Telegraph. I understand and empathise with the various points of view (and perhaps at some point will give mine), but lets just focus here, yeah?

The BNP say all sorts of mad things including: immigrants brought drug addiction with them, immigrants should all be sent back to the countries of their origins. Let’s value equality for all and celebrate diversity that makes this country great.

A organisation called Hope Not Hate has been set up to fight against the BNP. They have set up an online petition called ‘Not in My Name’. It is to say that you don’t recognise or want the recently elected BNP memebers in the European Parliament. Whilst it won’t achieve their removal, it will show that we stand united against racism and homophobia.

Sign the petition here:

Many thanks,


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