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TV – Torchwood: Miracle Day, Episode 3

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Episode 3 was the best episode to date! It starts with Captain Jack, Gwen, Rex and his colleague starting to investigate whose responsible for Miracle Day. At the same time the world start to realise the impact of Miracle Day: that people need pain killers as they’re in pain but can’t die with some believing that they are soulless. Meanwhile Oswald (the openly admitted and found guilty paedophile and murder) starts going on TV talking about how he feels he’s been forgiven for his crime.

Jack and the gang are led to a pharmaceutical company called Phi Cop and discover a warehouse containing a stockpile of pain killers. How did Phi Cop know Miracle Day was coming? As they discuss infiltration of Phi Cop, Rex falls out with the gang and goes off on his own – going to a doctor who treated him after a accident that happened on Miracle Day. Rex has an intimate encounter with the Doctor and she tells him of the PR Agent who has invited her to a meeting at Phi Cop. Who is this PR Agent? Why is she working for Phi Cop? The PR agent approaches Oswald and he has a meeting with Phi Cop.

Jack’s theory of morphic fields hits the mainstream web meaning investigating the phenomena is more difficult. Jack, Gwen and the CIA collegue of Rex’s are walking along and Jack sees a gay bar. Jack leaves for the bar, smiling, saying “I’m a mortal man, with mortal needs.” Jack meets a bar man and what follows is a really steamy sex scene. After the sex scene, drunken Jack rings Gwen saying how he wishes Ianto was there, if only he’d survived a few more months. Drunken Jack feels lonley and says to Gwen that as long as they’ve got each other they don’t need anyone else. Jack is practically naked in this scene with a cover covering his bits (which is probably why it’s my favourite episode so far – as John Barrowman is hot!). But Gwen’s not really listening as she’s made contact with Rhys and her baby securely on the computer through the Torchwood’s systems. Jack sighs realising she doesn’t feel the same, that she’s moved on from the Torchwood family and got her own now.

Rex comes back to the team after asking the doctor to attend the meeting at Phi Cop. The team using Gwen with contact lenses (that show the others what she’s seeing) start their infiltration of Phi Cop. Gwen goes to the PR Agents office and downloads information from her computer, nearly getting caught. Meanwhile Jack confronts Oswald at the TV station to find out about the conversation with Phi Cop. Oswald admits that he enjoyed the rape and murder of the young girl and Jack realises that he actually wanted to be executed. Jack has it on tape, but Oswald’s security take it off him, beat him up and kick him out of the TV studio. And that brings the episode for an end this week.

Can’t wait for the next episode! As always review it when I’ve watched it!

You can read previous Episode Reviews here:

  • TV – Torchwood: Miracle Day, Episode 1
  • TV – Torchwood: Miracle Day, Episode 2
  • Write soon,


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    TV – Torchwood: Miracle Day, Episode 2

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    Episode 2 starts with Captain Jack and Gwen being forced on a plane for extradition to America. Gwen is separated from Rhys and her baby, who are left in the UK. Another CIA agent Lyn joins Rex on the plane to supervise the prisoners. On the plane Jack talks about a theory of everyone being connected and Lyn overhears and sends an email to her boss who gives instructions for Lyn to kill Jack. Lyn fixes Jack a drink which is laced by poison. Obviously some in the CIA think he knows too much, but it’s not quite clear who these corrupt CIA people work for.

    In America an openly admitted and found guilty paedophile and murder (Oswald), who in the first episode we saw be injected with lethal drugs as he was sentenced to death be released as technically his sentence was carried out. He goes on TV and makes a tearful remorsefully statement that seems to some genuine. Afterwards he’s getting in the lift and he’s greeted by a PR Agent, but declines her offer for help.

    Meanwhile back on the plane the poison is kicking in and Jack is dying. It’s revealed that Lyn has poisoned her and Rex hand cuffs her to her seat. Rex rings a doctor that had treated him in the first episode and she manages with doctor friends discussing the Miracle Day problems to give Rex and Gwen the information to cure him. They eventually cure Jack and then arrive at America.

    The doctor that helped Rex is approached by the PR Agent and gives a seemingly helpful suggestion about drug stockpiles. It get’s you thinking: Who is this PR Agent? What are her motives?

    On arrival in America, Rex get’s a call of a colleague from the CIA who says they’re being set up. That someone has put $50,000 in her account and she’s being chased by the CIA. Rex realised he must do something and stops Captain Jack and Gwen and unhand cuffs them talking some rubbish about amendments before Jack, Gwen and Rex attack the agents in order to escape. They escape and that brings the episode to an end.

    The action steps up in this episode which was good. But more impressive was that the mystery has stop being explained leading you to question and watch it unravel in front of your eyes. Well done to the makers of Torchwood for no longer having the characters explain what’s going on and allowing us to work it out for ourselves.

    You can read my review of episode 1 here: TV – Torchwood: Miracle Day, Episode 1

    Write soon,


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    TV – Torchwood: Miracle Day, Episode 1

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    A few weeks ago I saw an trailer for Torchwood on the BBC and got all excited. Torchwood was coming back on the TV! I immediately series linked it. I was surprised as Torchwood: Children of Earth (available at Amazon and all good retailers) was suppose to be the last series and what a series it was. It had tention, drama, action, emotions and a lot of death. In deed many of the main characters were killed off as it was the last series. Apart from Captain Jack (played by John Barrowman) who is immortal and doesn’t age, and Gwen Cooper who if I remember correctly was just lucky.

    So what did Torchwood: Miracle Day, Episode 1 have in store for us? The story starts in America with people who should be dead unable to die. For the first ten minutes we see CIA characters, none of which we know, and only get a glimpse of Gwen’s quite life in rural Wales. She’s now got a baby with Rhys (her long standing partner) and they live “off the radar”, well until Miracle Day happens – were people all over the world simply can’t die.

    When Captain Jack finally appears he is looking good (Well the actor John Barrowman is, you can see my love for him by the post tag: John Barrowman). Captain Jack swings in to action as an email saying one word TORCHWOOD is sent out at the exact time Miracle Day starts. Captain Jack must protect Gwen at all costs as the CIA start to investigate Torchwood. What follows is a mix of action and drama, with a really good action scene involving Jack driving a 4×4 on a Wales beach being chased by a helicopter with men in black shooting at them. Gwen rocket launches the helicopter and it comes flying at them before crashing on the beach. At one point Captain Jack gets cut and he suddenly realises, he’s not immortal and indestructible any more. Usually he would have healed, but suddenly he realises it’s reversed. Jack is mortal whereas the rest of the world is immortal.

    Episode 1 ends with Captain Jack, Gwen and her family being arrested and extradited to the US by a CIA agent. The format has some similarities and differences to the previous series of Torchwood. Similar is the way it starts off with something happening and a mystery to who’s behind it and why they’re doing it. However the differences were clearly noticeable. The first that the story seems to have been “dumbed down.” Jack makes a point of stating he can now be hurt, which really wasn’t required and obvious plot lines are discussed by characters as a method of explaining to the audience what’s going on. It’s very Americanised, with the story being focused on the CIA and what’s happening in America rather than the UK. This is clearly evident from the offset when American news readers are reporting what’s happening in the world. Being cynical this could be deliberate so that the BBC can show it and get good audience ratings on BBC America.

    Overall it’s an OK first episode hasn’t got me as hooked as the Torchwood: Children of Earth first Episode did.

    Review Episode 2 after I’ve watched it!

    Take Care,


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    Last Night’s TV: Questiontime & Good News

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    Last night the BBC put on Question Time and Russell Howards Good News at the same time (why BBC?). I watched them both Question Time live and Good News on the BBC iplayer.

    Question Time
    I really enjoy the political debates on question time. This weeks edition was going to be particulary interesting as it had the leader of the BNP on (a racist and homophobic party). I initally loved how the other panel members stood up to him and challenged his views. They did this having undertaken a good level of research too.

    I was hoping for expression of the BNP’s views on all topics but they seemed to focus on the key BNP policy, immigration. It seemed to total over half of the programme and I did get board of this discussion which seemed to go round in circles.

    Finally the panal were asked about the death of Stephen Gately and the recent article in the press (see Jan Moir apologises to Stephen Gately’s parents but attacks ‘hysterical overreaction’ of critics @ Pink News). The BNP leader expressed clearly homophobic views expressing his discussed for homosexual relationships. He stated that the thought of two gay men kissing was “creepy”. I was glad he was challenged by a lesbian who was happy in her civil partnership with her stating “the feeling of repultion is mutal”.

    Overall I think he should have been allowed to express his opinions for the sake of demcracy as the BNP do have elected members now. So the BBC were right to let him on the programme. However I was pleased that he was challenged on his values and opinions on all fronts: by panal members, audience members and even by the host David Dimbleby. This shows how much of a tolerant society we live in, and that homphobia is no longer acceptable in society. But it also shows that homophobia still exists in a minority.

    If you missed this programme and would like to watch it on BBC iplayer you can do so at:

    Good News
    Good News is a new comedy show on BBC3 by Russell Howard. I have blogged about him many times and indeed even been to see him. On seeing the opening credits I immediately loved them and knew the show was going to be great, and it didn’t disapoint.

    He appeared on stage with beautiful hair, attractive arms and overall looked very sexy. His show was set into short sections under the following headings:
    You can’t be serious
    Planet Terror
    Reasons to be cheerful
    Tatty Bojangles
    Mystery Guest
    World News
    Arts and Culture
    I did not know that
    What were you thinking?

    Russell is famous for being a jumpy, bouncy, energetic story teller. He seemed to have matured on the programme telling more short punch line jokes, staring in short sketches and involing the auidence. Of course that isn’t to say his jumpy, bouncy, engergetic story telling side wasn’t there, it was. Simply scaled down and tamed. And it certainly paid off!

    There was even an Awe…. clip, which was little Russell Howard aged 8 singing, very Awe….he’s cute. Look:

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    I would highly recommend you see the programme, it was brilliant!

    If you missed this programme and would like to watch it on BBC iplayer you can do so at:

    That’s my thoughts on last nights TV.


    You can buy: Russell Howard – Live Collection (2 Live Performance DVD’s)

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