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a York Church

A Visit to York and Knaresborough

By Adventures, Friends & Family, Happiness & JoyNo Comments

Yesterday my good friend Simon and I visited York and Knaresborough.

York is a brilliant place to visit. It is architecturally splendid and has more push bikes than I have ever seen in my life. The great thing about York is that it has both indoor and outdoor things to do.

The weather was great, considering the time of year. High temperatures and dry. So Simon and I saw York’s Abbey, York’s Museum Gardens and the ruins of St Mary’s Abbey. We walked along York’s wall, went shopping (York has a wide range of shops, selling a wide range of things) and generally explored York.

Here are some photos from our visit to York:


Simon and I visited York for the day.


York Abbey (from a distance).


York Abbey (close up).


A York Church with an interesting bell tower.


York’s Museum Gardens. There were loads of squirrels in these beautiful gardens.


The ruins of St Mary’s Abbey in York (from a distance). You can read more about St Mary’s Abbey here.


The ruins of St Mary’s Abbey in York (close up). You can read more about St Mary’s Abbey here.


Simon and I walked along York’s wall.


Simon with a funky statue we discovered.

Then Simon and I travelled on to Knaresborough. Knaresborough is a small town with ruins of a castle. We walked around the ruins of the castle, took in the spectacular view and then went shopping. The shops in Knaresborough were mildly disappointing, however there was a pagan/witchcraft shop and spirituality shop.

Here are some photos from our visit to Knaresborough:


We drove on to Knaresborough.


Ruin of Knaresborough Castle wall.


Ruin of Knaresborough Castle (1).


Ruin of Knaresborough Castle (2).


Stunning view from the Knaresborough Castle ruin.

Here are some other fun photos of me that we took:


Me racing on a wooden sheep.


My arrival at Knaresborough Castle.


Quite a nice photo of me sat on the wooden sheep.

Write soon,


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