Blogs it seems have a natural life cycle. This is evident by the following recent blogs that have come to an end:
1. Sye’s Blog – A blog of my close pagan friend. His blog has come to an end as he is going to University. (Good look Sye, if your reading, I am positive without a doubt that you will be hugely successful.)
2. My Journey Out – A really interesting read an a unique outlook on a married guy who comes out gay to his wife and builds a new life for himself. He had issues with his former employer. It’s sooo wrong, your personal experiences should have nothing to do with your employment (providing ofcourse that it doesn’t effect your ability to do your job).
3. Phoenix2k – This guy’s blog seemed really interesting, but he just seemed to move on and stop bloging for a while. Then he stated he was going to redesign and start a new blog, but he just didn’t get round to it. Guess his blogging may have been just a phase?
4. R* Y A N – A blog of a gay guy in Australia. He blogged about his life and times and then felt it was time to move on.
The key theme of blogs ending seems to be that people feel it is time to move on or that there story has been told. I myself have experienced this, a few years before I had a blog. I had the initial excitement of writing posts, customising, etc. And then over time, I seemed to run out of ideas/inspiration/topics and life happened and then I felt it was time to move on from the blog.
Luckily I haven’t run out of ideas/inspiration/topics yet. (Or possibly unlucky for you? lol)
I would like to thank those who I have written blogs both past and present and entertained me. I have removed the blog links of blogs that have stopped blogging.
Now my only question is: Where can I find more interesting and witty blogs? Know any? Post a comment and let me know.
Blog Soon,