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Looking After Your Pets in the Warm Weather

By PetsNo Comments
Illustration by Sye Watts.

It’s been warm recently, hasn’t it? With the warm weather we need to take extra care of our pets. Here’s some tips:

  1. First make sure pets have got plenty of water to stay hydrated. I like to put water in the fridge beforehand so that it’s nice and cold.
  2. Make sure there are shaded areas in your home, that pets can chill in.
  3. Don’t let them outside. This tip might seem cruel, but pets can burn their paws on the heated tarmac.
  4. Never leave a pet in a hot car.
  5. Groom your pets (if required) and keep on top of any professional grooming.

Blog soon,


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The Cats and The Chest

By Home, PetsNo Comments

Hello all!

Here’s a photo of my gorgeous pussy cats; Dylan, Russell & Nicholas:

Dylan, Russell & Nick -January-2020

I’ve also bought this beautiful chest from WayFair which was handmade in India:

The Chest – January 2020

That’s all for now,


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An Update From Nick, Dylan & Russell (My Bengal Cats!)

By Health, Life, PetsNo Comments

I’ve really struggled with my mental health in the last few days. The days and evenings have all been tough. So here’s a video and photo update from Nick, Dylan & Russell, my Bengal cats:

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Nick says Hello, with the cutest meow ever. Video taken a couple of months ago.

A photo of each of them, taken yesterday:


Nick, my black Bengal kitten, he wouldn’t take his eyes off me, I think I was being stalked :P.


Dylan always seems grumpy, well when one looks at his face anyway. He looks like an eternal pessimist.


Russell with the big eyes. He knows how to use those eyes to make all that see him give him attention and fall in love with him.

Despite what people say about cats being independent and not really caring about their owners, apart from for food; my cats have been a great comfort to me. Indeed Dylan, the grumpiest looking one of the bunch seems to be able to sense I’m struggling. He comes over to check on me and rubs up against me. Not his usual behaviour. I think it’s his version of a hug and saying he cares.

Take care & blog soon,


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My New Kitten Nicholas (Black Bengal) & Introducing Him to Dylan and Russell (My Two Bengal Cats)

By Happiness & Joy, Life, Nature, PetsNo Comments

At the weekend, I bought a playmate for my two Bengal cats. His name is Nicholas (Nick) for short. He’s a black Bengal, which are incredibly rare, apparently 1 in 10,000. Here are some photos:


Nicholas (or Nick) my black Bengal kitten.


Nicholas’ space, only lasted a couple of hours.


Nicholas’ was about to jump over the wall I’d made. This meant he needed constant monitoring. I felt like a guard in the Night’s Watch in The Game of Thrones.


Nicholas rubbing against his cat tree.


Nicholas playing (1).


Nicholas playing (2).

Introducing him to the boys and the household has not been without tension. Dylan has begun hissing at Russ and Nick. Russ hisses back. Dylan and Russell are litter mates and have always been together. However they are slowly getting used to each other.

It has made me super anxious, as I’ve never introduced a new kitten to a household with cats. But having read around on the Internet and spoken with others that have introduced new kittens to cat households, all seems to be going really well.

I will keep you updated. Blog soon,



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