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August 2010

Gay by Degree from Stonewall

By Education, Gay, The Web4 Comments

Gay by Degree is a website that has been developed by gay rights charity Stonewall. Initially when I heard about it, I wasn’t sure what to think. But when I looked at it I was impressed with the idea and how it has materialised.

Basically Stonewall has rated each University on it’s level of gay friendliness. They’ve done this by checking if the universities have the following:

•A Stonewall Diversity Champion
• A policy that protects lesbian, gay and bisexual students from bullying
• Compulsory staff training on lesbian, gay and bisexual issues
• Lesbian, gay and bisexual staff network
• Student lesbian, gay and bisexual society
• Info for students on lesbian, gay and bisexual issues
• Events for lesbian, gay and bisexual students
• Explicit Welfare Provision for lesbian, gay and bisexual students
• Consultation with lesbian, gay and bisexual students
• Specific Career Advice for lesbian, gay and bisexual students
(From:, Last Accessed: 18 August 2010)

I am proud to say that the University were I study (see Back to University) the University of Central Lancashire got 9 out of 10.

What do you think of this guide? Useful? Post a comment.

Blog soon,


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Back in the UK

By Friends & Family, Home, Life, Love & Relationships3 Comments

Sometimes in life things don’t work out how you want, dream or hope they will. The last month or so has been one of these times.

Boyfriend-W and I split up, things just didn’t work out and I returned to the UK. We have remained good friends. I learn’t so much being in Benidorm and being with him, more than I could write here (see A new design and a new beginning). So since I’ve been back what’s new?

New Car
I have got a Citroen C1 Splash in electra blue, which I’ve named Sam. I need a car for work and will be paying for Sam for the next five years. See:

New Work Image
In these difficult times in the public sector I decided to smarten up. Image is very important, not to me but to other people. Gone are the days of baggy jeans and t-shirts, come the shirts, waist coats, skinny jeans and shoes. A smarter look.

I bought a cook book and have cooked a few meals from it. They haven’t tasted half bad, if I do say so myself. I have got great satisfaction from actually cooking something myself rather than popping frozen boxed food in the freezer. It’s called The Classic 1000 Beginners’ Recipes by Carolyn Humphries and I highly recommend it if like me you can’t cook a thing. It’s simple step recipes are so easy to follow.

I’ve gone back to work with a renewed enthusiasm and some life experience.

So…What’s next?
I am moving back in to my apartment (see The Move) at the end of the month and will be glad to be home. I would like to say a MASSIVE THANK YOU to my family and friends, who have been a huge support to me. Especially to my mum and Simon who continue to house me until I move back to my apartment.

Once I’ve moved back in to my apartment I intend to get a housemate to pay off some of my debts as well as continuing to try and live frugally (see Living Frugally).

In the end of September I am going back to University (see Back to University, Six NOT Four, ———–Transcript————– and Promoting and Influencing Health module results) to do a further two modules, one on leadership and the second a dissertation module.

October I am going seeing John Barrowman and have Samhain (see Pagan Festivals).

The last month or so I have been having a quiet reflective time which has mean’t a lack of blog posts. Rest assured normal blogging will now resume, whatever normal is.

Write soon,


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